Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh? O-Week?

Hello the internet. Well, really, just the people I know... Let's be honest. Today I've decided to blog the year again as a university student!

Hooray! More nostalgia. This is interesting to me however. I'd really like to see how long I can blog before the time management part of my brain is blown to bits. We'll see. At least this time I won't have to organise a quest for talent or have the joy of gate duty. Woop!

Here we go: Year One, 2011.

Many people find going to orientation a drag or are too cool to get out of bed for a *wait for it* 9am start! No way! The lovely Steph Glubb and I decided to be lame and caught a train into the city at 7:50am. This meant we had a arduous, yet lovely trudge up Customs St. to Symonds and the uni Marae.

We decided to go to the Powhiri because as lame as it sounds, we felt like we wanted to get 'inducted', as such, into uni - or feel like there was at least one formal event that we went to this week. It was surprisingly short and sharp and... there was soooo much food. Croissants, fruit kebabs, pastries... It was lovely to see Kris de Pont, Tristan Deck and Joanne Walker at this event. Name plug there ;)

UniGuides were present about halfway into the powhiri carrying huge banners with their faculty on it. As soon as the powhiri was over, they started cheering and harmlessly harassing future students to join their tour. Good times. Steph and I split like an atom to Science and Law respectively. I will admit, it was tedious but hey. I feel a little more orientated. Sure, you can just get your friends to tell you where everything is, but having done this, I will be that friend who will tell you where everything is. Oh hooray! But realsitically, it's not that hard to find yourself around campus... But I did get some nice inter-faculty tips and spent the day doing something productive.

All in all, a good day. It was really nice seeing old faces and meeting new ones. I hope that you'll all have a great start to uni, wherever you're heading off to. Work hard, live hard, catch-up party at mine in May when mum's overseas ;)

Have a great first day!


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