Thursday, June 23, 2011

Challenge #1: Result: F.

Hello to you. And you. And you!

It's Friday (gotta get down on Friday) and I am blogging to you from my MacBook Pro that I haven't introduced yet considering THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG POST IN MOOONNNNTTTHHHSSSSS!!! OMGeodude! FAIL! My laptop's name is Ronald MacBookDonald by the way.

Yeah, so I'm slightly emotional right now at my outright failure to provide nostalgia as well as document my uni experience for myself. *shame* and *disappointment* Sorry about that - audience and Marina...

A lot has happened. Turns out I'm not very good at managing my time. Uni is a full time job. In fact, it's like a job where you just started, no one knows you and you're trying so hard to work your way up the food chain while desperately trying to cling onto people you might one day call good friends. Now I just sound desperate. I'm not. Honest. Just pointing out the truth.

One thing that rules about uni is FREEDOM. Of course there are pros and cons.
  • Freedom means you can choose whether you want to go to lectures. Don't like lectures? Read CECIL notes. Don't like notes? Read your textbook. Don't like reading. Fail! It's all about choice.
  • Freedom means a giant tuck shop. It means you can have sushi, kebabs, REAL curry (to an extent) and every kind of chocolate bar under the sun! But... perhaps not. They'd have all melted in that case. LOLZZZ. I iz funny! ...
  • Freedom means you can stay at uni as long as the day is. Like, that might sound ridiculously lame but if you're like me and love theatre and movies, having the Maidment theatre and an Audiovisual library is a pretty sweet deal.
  • Freedom means you can call your lecturers and tutors by their first names. That's not so awesome but hey... at least they treat you like adults. Yeah? Yeah.
One thing that sucks about uni is the lack of social collectivity. Yeah. Lame as that sounds. If you knew me at high school, you'll know that I was a really co-curricular person. Don't get me wrong. The University of Auckland offers heaps of clubs and societies for everyone. On the other hand - these are optional and often lack the sense of accomplishment that you might get from - oh, say, organising a school ball? So yeah, you can say I really miss this.

I'm going to cheat and add one more sucky thing about uni. Exams. Exams in life in general but particularly uni ones. They aren't really any harder than high school at stage one, they just exert a sense of unforgivingness. They are cold, heartless things.

However, I felt my exams went quite well. I'm loving History the most. I will probably end up majoring in it!

So that's my first semester. I bit of an F. Hopefully that won't continue in terms of uni work and blogging!


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